Monday, 20 July 2015

Modded MC : Attaesta - The Magical Side of Things (16 July Part 2)

Attaesta Mod Pack
Current Progress Log (16 July 2015)
Part 2

Like I promised, here is the more magical side of the Attaesta mod pack that we have explored so far. Obviously, this post is a bit late, and I suppose I must apologise for that. As it has been a while, we have achieved more in magic than before, but I will touch those later as it may be too much. For now, I shall just elaborate on what we achieved a few days ago when I wrote the first part of this post.

Thaumcraft is a very in-depth magical mod that adds all sorts of things to the game. It is a bit complicated for me, which is why I stuck to my roots and pursued ProjectE, formerly called Equivalent Exchange in Tekkit, and was one of my favorite mods then. My brother and cousin decided to follow the Thaumcraft side of this mod pack though, my brother because he has always liked Thaumcraft, and my cousin because he thought it looked cool after being introduced by my brother.

The Harry Potter Lab
They started Thaumcraft in a little lab under the stairs in our basement, which my brother called the "Harry Potter Lab", because it was under the stairs. Eventually though, they moved out into a newly constructed building, the Wizard Tower.

The Wizard Tower
They outfitted the tower with all sorts of Thaumcraft machinery which I cannot even understand and made some very interesting stuff.

This is actually how it looks now
The photo above shows my brother posing in his brand new Thaumaturge robes, in his new lab, located at the top of the Wizard Tower. As you can see, they have a research table in a bookcase and a bunch of weird machines and jars containing magical elements and materials. One of their creations were golems, small little helpers that can perform tasks like carry items, farm, fight and so on. After creating some simple straw and wooden golems, they created a troupe of Flesh Golems and outfitted them with weaponry and armor to act as a base defense. The little dudes are still surviving and protecting the base to this day.

Ready for battle

ProjectE, or Equivalent Exchange, as it used to be called, is an alchemy mod that emphasis greatly on the concept of transmuting items of equal value. Almost every item and block in game has an EMC value which is utilised in this mod. I created a Energy Condenser, one of my favorite items in any mod ever, quite early on even when we were still on the isolated island at the beginning despite its cost of about 5-6 diamonds. What the condenser does is it allows us to use the EMC value of items and convert it into other items. After moving to our current base, I started creating what is known by the community as a "Power Flower". Basically it involves surrounding the condenser with relays and Energy Collectors, which collect energy from sunlight and convert it directly into EMC. These things are incredibly expensive, but worth it, as they have been slowly creating resources and building up our riches.

This picture shows the Power Flower layout I had 4 days ago during the first post. The condenser is attached to three Mark 2 Energy Collectors, each generating 12 EMC per second. For comparison, a diamond is 8192 EMC. This means that the layout we had 4 days ago was producing 1 diamond every 4 minutes or so. You may think this is quite fast, but to one who has reached endgame ProjectE items, this is nothing. It helped however, to achieve what we have now.

It is a bit difficult to see, but the condenser is now attached to two relays, which have 10 Mark 3 Energy Collectors connected to them, each producing 40 EMC per second. Meaning that now, we are producing 1 diamond every 20 seconds. Which is totally nuts. I plan to expand this Power Flower even more in the future so that I can create some of the most powerful ProjectE items ever and rule over all :D

That shall be all for now. Leave a comment about what you think and if you've ever used any of these mods.

(Obligatory disclaimer : I felt I had to do this since it's been a while since the last. Minecraft does not belong to me nor do any of the mods pictured above.) :D