The new DoTA 2 Reborn User Interface shows the gamemode selection screen in a very sleek manner. |
So in this post, I shall explain the various gamemodes that DoTA 2 provides to players. Note that these gamemodes are not custom games made by the community, but actual gamemodes made by Valve in the original game. This means that DoTA 2 is not a one-gamemode MOBA like many others, and with the addition of official support for custom gamemodes, this is going to be even more evident as time goes on. I will also rank each gamemode in what I believe is their noob-friendly level and fun level. So let us look through what each gamemode has to offer !
1) All Pick
Pretty sure there's no need for explaining this one. It is the basic DoTA 2 gamemode where each player picks the hero they want to play and just gets on with it. That's it. Moving on :D
Noob Friendly : 7/10
Fun : 5/10 (Neutral because it's the basic mode)
2) Single Draft
One of my favourite gamemodes, Single Draft is a gamemode where you are only provided with 3 random heroes, each with a different main attribute. So during hero selection, your only choices will be 3 heroes, consisting of one strength, one agility and one intelligence hero. I like this mode because it puts everyone out of their comfort zones and lets you experience a hero you wouldn't normally play.
Noob Friendly : 4/10
Fun : 7/10
3) Captains Mode
I have never played Captains Mode, so I may be wrong about some things, but I believe this is a gamemode often used in official tournaments. What happens is one player from each team becomes the team 'captain'. This captain is then responsible for picking the heroes that all his teammates play, as well as banning heroes from the pool so the enemy cannot take them. This mode is usually best played as a 5-man team so hero choices can be coordinated. The captain also needs to be smart and have knowledge and ideas of how heroes work together and what needs to be banned so it won't cause his team a problem in the game. It is a very tricky gamemode.
Noob Friendly : 1/10 (Seriously, new players DO NOT play this mode)
Fun : 4/10 (I don't really like it, it's too serious for my tastes. Others probably do though)
4) Random Draft
I have never really played Random Draft much either, but how it works is that the hero selection pool is a shared pool by both teams consisting of 20 randomly selected heroes. This means that out of the 100+ available heroes, 20 are randomly selected and for that game, you can only play one of those 20. Another catch is the heroes are selected by the players taking turns, so you better hope you're going early because you don't want your favourite hero to be taken by someone else now, would you ?
Noob Friendly : 4/10
Fun : 4/10 (I don't really like it because I will always feel the enemy gets the better end of the stick XD )
5) Ability Draft
Ooh, now this one is a hoot. Ability Draft is a vastly different gamemode from the typical All Pick. What happens in this mode is that you are given a random hero,but then you are every other player is given a UI with a whole bunch of different hero skills. You must now take turns choosing skills and creating your very own custom hero. This gamemode is really fun because it is something different, but it is difficult because you need to have good knowledge on what every skill does and what heroes can effectively utilise what skill. I like playing this with friends from time to time because you can get some really ridiculous skills combos.
Noob Friendly : -5/10 (If you're a new player and want to WIN games, just don't play this one)
Fun : 9.9/10
The Ability Draft Skill Selection User Interface
(Photo from Jimo's Guide on the Steam Community. He has a guide on gamemodes too which is probably more
expansive than mine so if you want a more skillful impression, check his guide out :Jimo's Guide) |
6) Least Played
This is like normal All Pick, but everyone will only be allowed to choose from their least played heroes, which is defined by the game. I personally don't like playing this mode because there will be people who constantly play harder heroes and have better skills than most of us playing and can choose the really easy to play heroes and completely own the rest of us who are trying out hard heroes. It can be unfair when this happens so I tend to stay away from this mode. But at the same time, it can be very beneficial for newer players who want to try new heroes on a more equal setting since everyone is playing heroes they don't normally touch.
Noob Friendly : 8/10 (When everyone chooses harder heroes)
Fun : 5/10 (This kinda depends on whether you like it, I personally don't much so I left it midway)
7) All Random
This gamemode is literally what the title entails, everyone is given a random hero. It's like a normal All Pick game where everyone chose to random. Like when you random in All Pick, you get 825 gold instead of 625, and you can repick if you really don't like the hero you were given but it is a risk because when you repick you're just given a new random hero. I really like this mode because everyone really is on equal footing and trying new heroes when the situation is fair always appeals to me.
Noob Friendly : 2/10
Fun : 9.9/10 (Love this mode :D )
8) Limited Heroes
The literal noob-friendly gamemode. Limited Heroes is just like normal All Pick but the hero pool is limited to only heroes that are suitable and easy to pick up for newer players. If you want to start playing DoTA 2 and don't know what hero to pick in All Pick, then this gamemode is perfect for you.
Noob Friendly : 10/10
Fun : 5/10 (I never play this mode so I don't know how fun it is, so I leave this midway too)
9) Captains Draft
Captains Mode on increased difficulty. This gamemode is exactly the same as Captains Mode with one difference. The hero pool is now limited and a random pool of heroes is chosen for selection and banning rather than access to all heroes.
Noob Friendly : -3/10 (Captains mode was hard enough, do not go for this mode if you're new)
Fun : 3/10
10) All Random Deathmatch
Probably my all-time favourite gamemode to go to when I'm looking for some fun. It is like a normal game of DoTA, but every player is assigned a random hero. Whenever a player dies, their hero is swapped and they respawn as another random hero. Each team has 40 respawns and if the game hasn't ended by the time one team has used them all up, it is game over for that team. This mode is super fun and it is really nice to wonder what hero you get next after dying. You really have to modify your builds because if you start as a carry and respawn as a support, suddenly your items don't fit your role. This gamemode is not for noobs if they want to play seriously, as if you plan to go for the win, you need good knowledge of every hero and all the items so you can plan an all-around item build. I love playing this mode because it can get really ridiculous and you can see supports with carry items everywhere.
Noob Friendly : 0/10
Fun : 10/10 (Love this mode :D )
So that's all the gamemodes of DoTA 2, excluding custom games of course, but there's no way I can list all of those. Comment below on what you thought of my explanations. Did you think I explained each mode well ? Or was there something missing ? Do you agree with my rankings ? Go ahead and share with us what your favourite DoTA 2 gamemode is :D