Monday, 29 June 2015

Mobile Fun : Chain Reaction

I've talked a bit about various PC games now, from video games made by high profile companies like Valve and Blizzard and indie games like Age of War, so now I'd like to introduce a fun little mobile game that you can very easily play with friends and family, called Chain Reaction.

It may not be a very interesting or striking
design, but it is a fun game.

Chain Reaction is a very simple game that can be downloaded from the Play Store or the App Store and it is a arcade strategy game that requires at least 2 people to play competitively.

Up to 8 players !
On the left is the main screen that you are greeted with when you enter the game. It certainly is not a very interesting game interface design, but trust me when I say it is a fun game that can break friendships. XD

The game allows for up to 8 players and your player colours can be modified to make the game a bit more personalised.

When you enter the actual game, you will be greeted with a black screen with a transparent net-looking interface comprised of multiple boxes. Players will play the game by taking turns to place little spheres in these boxes. The spheres can stack on each other to a maximum of three spheres, which looks like a water molecule.

Gets pretty chaotic.
Winning is always nice.
Now this is where the game really starts. When the spheres reach a certain threshold of stacks, they start vibrating and will split into four spheres in all adjacent boxes. If the adjacent box has one of the enemies' spheres, then it will change that sphere into one of your own and add a sphere to it.

As seen on the left, this is what a game of Chain Reaction eventually looks like, and it is even more chaotic when the number of players increases. Players must employ strategy and wit to think of how to effectively take over the opponents' spheres while expanding their territory and attempting to not put themselves in a vulnerable position where a simple tap from the opponent can cause a huge chain reaction leading to them taking over all of your spheres. The game is over when one player has taken over all of the rest and have become the only player that remains.

I believe this is a very fun game to pass the time when you're bored with some friends or family. This game, unlike many others today, does not require any Internet connection or Wi-fi, and with a possible 8 players playing and trying to defeat each other at the same time, you're sure to be in for some fun times. If you want some strategies, I personally always start from the corner, but everyone has their own style of playing, and I am sure you will develop your own winning technique that will show all your friends your strategic prowess.

And if you don't feel like dominating your friends and family, you can always use the game to make some nice patterns XD

Make love, not war

Most likely I have not really explained the game that well. It's very difficult to really explain a game like this and I feel the best teacher would be hands-on experience. So comment below after checking it out to tell me what you think, and maybe even tell me if I missed anything once you get to know it better :D